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Diary of the Divine Will Part 2


the Divine Will. In fact, I can't point out any speaker who showed that he really knew what life in the Divine Will was all about.

Getting back to the present state of affairs, for the last two months, I experienced the grace of wanting to read, almost in a state of ecstasy, for several hours each day Luisa's writings, and to understand everything well enough. I am remembering to place more and more of everything I do in the Divine Will. For example, just yesterday, I was

walking into a supermarket, the thought came to me to do my shopping united to Jesus in His Holy Will, and that I should remain with Jesus every minute of that day. The result was that I was in a heightened

“Each act that we do in the Divine Will acts as someone blowing over the cooled embers in a charcoal fire.”







state of consciousness of Jesus's presence in all the subsequent acts of that day, even attending Mass in an elevated state of prayerfulness and devotion. Each act that we do in the Divine Will acts as someone blowing over the cooled embers in a charcoal fire. The fire starts blazing again, which in turn inspires us to place the next act in the Divine Will. Reading the Luisa's writings has the same effect—to re-kindle the flames of our living in the Divine Will.