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Summary of the Divine Will


Holiness in the Divine Will
Dear souls, the following is a summary of what living in the Divine Will consists of. Rest assured, dear beloved of God, that there is nothing even remotely comparable to this new and divine way of holiness of living in the Divine Will. Jesus Himself calls living in the Divine Will the prodigy of prodigies, the sanctity of sanctities. There is nothing the Divine Will cannot do in your soul if you allow It to reign therein. There is nothing more that God can give you since by giving us His Divine Will, He gives everything He has to give: Himself and all His goods, His happiness, His joy, and His peace.

Divine Will divinizes all our acts
Know that those who refuse to learn how to live in the Divine Will have placed an insurmountable roadblock before God's loving designs, preventing Him from accomplishing what He really intended to do in us from the beginning: to divinize all our acts right here on Earth in order to make us into other Jesus's, perfect images of Himself. Only His Divine Will has the power to do this, and by refusing to enter into His Divine Will you will have frustrated and defeated God's original purpose of Creation.

Jesus waiting for you
So, dear souls, please read the writings on the Divine Will given to Luisa Piccarreta. They unlock the doors of knowledge in order to receive this inestimable gift. You will make the smile of Heaven return, and the original feast days as in the time of Adam and Eve before the Fall be celebrated again.

Won't you help dry Jesus' tears? He is suffocating in His flames of Love, as He seeks an outlet in order to vent His Love with His creatures. He is impatiently waiting for you to return home—living in His Divine Will, which is the order, the place and the purpose for which we were created.

Photo of Luisa
     Luisa Piccarreta   

Living in the Divine Will is:
1. Fusing our will with the Divine Will of God so as to operate as one Will—that of God's.
2. Letting Jesus live His Divine Life in us by consciously invoking the Divine Will to enter into each and every one of our acts.
3. Do not do any act alone, but rather let the Divine Will do it in you and with you.
4. The Creator working in the creature.
5. Reciprocating our little “I love You, I adore You, I praise You” to God's “I love you” in the Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification of man.
6. Abandoning one's human ways of acting for those of the Divine.
7. Penetrating within the Divine Will, embracing its immensity, multiplying oneself with Jesus and penetrating everywhere—even in

Heaven and in all hearts, and in all times —past, present and future—while remaining on Earth.
Taking the love of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and making it ours, and then giving it back to Them as our own.
9. Forming as many Jesus's as acts that we do in the Divine Will.
10. Allowing God to mold us as soft wax into whatever He wants to make of us.
11. Possessing God and all His goods and being possessed by God—whatever is His is mine, and whatever is mine is His.
12. Jesus living His Real Presence in us, not only for fifteen minutes as in the Eucharist, but always.
13. Living the same life as the saints in Heaven while still here on Earth, except for the veil not being removed—enjoyment of the Beatific Vision.

Remove the pebble of one's will
Learn the Spirituality of Living One's Life in the Divine Will as revealed to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta through purchasing and reading of the 36 volumes of the Divine Will. Jesus wants to act directly in us through the gift of His Divine Will. He wants to divinize our acts so that we can offer perfect glory to God the Father. One has only to desire this gift of the Divine Will and remove the pebble of one's own will, and Jesus will do the rest.