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Divine Will Prayers Part 2


O my Divine Prisoner, I too feel my heart breaking for having to leave You, and I am forced to say Goodbye; but, what am I saying, O Jesus — never again Goodbye. I don't have the courage to leave You alone. I say Goodbye with my lips, but not with my heart; rather, I will leave my heart with You in the Tabernacle. I will count your heartbeats and I will correspond with my heartbeat of love; I will number your panting whispers and, to give You comfort, I will let You rest in my arms. I will be your vigilant sentry; I will be on guard to see if anything comes to trouble or sadden You, not only not to ever leave You alone, but also to take part in all of your pains.

O Heart of my heart! O Love of my love! Leave this air of sadness, be consoled. It breaks my heart to see You troubled. While I say goodbye with my lips, I leave with you my breaths, my affections, my thoughts, my desires and my movements, which will form a chain of continuous acts of love, united with Yours, surrounding You as a crown, and loving You for all. Aren't You happy, O Jesus? You seem to say Yes, don't You?

Goodbye, O Loving Prisoner! But I haven't finished yet. Before I go, I also want to leave my body before You; I intend to make of my flesh and bones many tiny little pieces in order to form as many lamps for as many Tabernacles which exist in the world; and of my blood many little flames to light those lamps. I intend to put in every Tabernacle my lamp which, united with the lamp of the Tabernacle that gives You light at night, will

say ‘I love You, I adore You, I bless You, I offer reparation and I thank You for me and for all.’

Goodbye, O Jesus! But listen to one more thing: let's make a pact, and the pact will be that we will love each other more. You will give me more love, enclose me in your love, make me live of love and bury me in your love. Let's tighten more our bond of love. I will be happy only if You give me your love to be able to really love You.

Goodbye, O Jesus, bless me — bless all. Squeeze me to Your Heart, imprison me in your love as I kiss your Heart. Goodbye, goodbye....(Vol. 11)

Luisa's good morning to Jesus
O my Jesus, sweet Prisoner of love, here I am before You again. I left You saying goodbye,
and now I come back saying good morning. I was anxiously burning to see You again in this prison of love, to give You my yearning regards, my affectionate heartbeats, my ardent desires and all myself in order to transfuse all of myself in You, and to abandon myself in You in perpetual memory and pledge of my love toward You.

O my always lovable Sacramental Love, do you know? While I came to give You all of myself, I came also to receive from You all of Yourself. I cannot live without a life, therefore I want yours. All is given to the one who gives all, isn't it true, O Jesus? Therefore, today I will love with your heartbeat of a passionate lover; I will breathe with your panting breath in search for souls; I will desire your Glory and the good of souls with your immeasurable desires. All the

heartbeats of creatures will flow within your divine heartbeat; we will grasp them all and will save them. We won't let anybody escape, at the cost of any sacrifice, even if I should bear all the pain. If You should push me away I will fling myself more inside You, I will cry out louder in order to plead together with You for the salvation of your children and my brothers.

O my Jesus, my Life and my All, how many things does your voluntary imprisonment tell me! But the emblem with which I see You all sealed is the emblem of the souls, while the chains which bind You completely — very strongly — are love. It seems that the words souls and love make You smile, debilitate You and force You to surrender in everything; and I, pondering well these excesses of your love, will be always before You and together with You, with my usual refrains: souls and love.

Therefore, today I want all of You; always together with me in the prayer, in the work, in the pleasures and in the food, in the steps, in the sleep — in everything. I am certain that, being unable to obtain anything by myself, with You I will obtain everything; and everything we will do will serve to soothe each one of your pains, to sweeten every bitterness, to give You reparation for any offense, to compensate You for everything, and to plead for any conversion, no matter how difficult and desperate. We will go begging a little love from every heart, to make You more content and happy. Isn't it good this way, O Jesus?