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Rounds of the Soul in the Divine Will Part 1


The Chaplet of the FIAT of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification contains twenty-four meditations divided into four parts which we call The Twenty-four Hours of a Day in the Divine Will. The Chaplet is formed by seven groups of three small beads, one white, one red and one green; separated by a large white bead. The Chaplet finishes with a medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which has the word Fiat on the reverse side.

Asking with insistence the Gift
The beads of the Chaplet are of three colors: white, red and green, in memory of what happened to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, when at age 23, she received from God the grace of The Mystical Marriage, a grace she received in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, when Jesus gave her a ring with three precious stones: the first white, the second red, and the third green; which symbolize the Most Holy Trinity and the Theological Virtues. And that same day, as Jesus told Luisa many years later, God gave her the Gift of the Divine Will. When we pray the Chaplet, we ask God, with insistence for the same Gift. We also ask for the same thing when we pray the Our Father.

The Chaplet is entitled The Rounds of the Soul in the Divine Will because the twenty-four meditations which it contains, are like a journey in the form of reflection and prayer, through all the marvelous works realized by the Holy Trinity since the Creation of the world for Love of His children. In this

journey, we contemplate these Works of God with the brief meditation of each Hour which helps us to reflect on them with love and gratitude, remembering them and receiving them in our hearts; and giving in return to them our correspondence of love to Our Creator.

Chaplet of the Fiat of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification.
Chaplet of the Fiat of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification

Since in the journey that we make, we briefly visit Creation, Redemption and the Sanctification of all the human family, we call it the Chaplet of the FIAT of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification.

You must have noticed how often the word Fiat is repeated and you must have asked yourself what it means. Fiat is a Latin word which means “Let it be done.” In the Eternal Plan of God it is very important, since It is in the root, and is the Life of the three greatest Works of God which we consider here: Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification of man. You know that “By the Will of God all which never existed was created,” this Divine Will, to create wanted to pronounce a word, and this was: FIAT LUX,

which is to say “Let there be light,” and in this way God initiated the Creation of all that exists. The work of Redemption is also the fruit of God's Will and it was fulfilled by means of the Incarnation of the Word, His Passion, Death and Resurrection. However, for the Saving Will to be accomplished, God decreed that another Fiat be pronounced, but that now it should be that of a creature. And it was Mary who with her Fiat Mihi, the “Let it be done to me according to Your Word”, received and opened the door to this grandiose Work.

Creature with its little Fiat
The fullness of Redemption, which is the Sanctification of man and the perfect Glorification of God, will be totally developed with the fulfillment of the Third FIAT, the FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA, the “Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven.” In this Third FIAT the initiative is also from God, and just as it was with Redemption, it is likewise necessary that the creature respond with its little Fiat; which like Mary, each of us should pronounce and live every day in every one of our acts, and in this way, God will reign in us on earth as in Heaven.

The fulfillment or realization of this Third or last FIAT is the crowning of all the Works of God; it is a marvelous, immense, and undeserved Gift, which God wants to give to all humanity; it is the “Reign of the FIAT in the midst of the creatures”; it is the Reign of the Will of God on earth as in Heaven; it is the Reign that Christ conquered for us and taught us to ask of the Father.